Lil' Champs:
3-5 Year Old
This specialized class was designed around a foundation of discipline. Our pre-school and kindergarten age classes ranging from 12-18 students meets 3 times per week. We provide a range of martial arts activities geared toward the development of their young minds and bodies. We specialize in preparation for entering school by emphasizing following directions.
Lil' Champs:
6-7 Year Old
These young students are the fire of the school and each day we intend to feed their flame. This class incorporates a strong standard of discipline, accountability, self awareness, and confidence. We build up our future leaders as we encourage our students to strive for excellence.
Beginner Program
Our beginner classes focuses on cultivating the minds of our students. Martial arts is not just about kicking and punching, although we do it very well! We hold the highest standards to our beginners to solidify a strong foundation. Student will learn to be goal-oriented both inside and outside of the dojo.
Youth Intermediate Program
This program is for students who have been involved in the Martial Arts for 1-5yrs. This class shows the standard of the school. At this level, students have already attained many goals, developed positive relationships, and are working on majoring in the minors of their art. The dojo is now a second home where they feel comfortable and respected by those around them. They are also expected to be teachers-in-training.
Advanced Program
The Advanced Program hosts the cream of the crop. These students have demonstrated a dedication of 4-9yrs! They are very well trained physically and mentally and are now being guided in the road to becoming a black belt. They must maintain high-level performance in school, outside sports, and other activities. They are accountable to their teachers in the dojo and their family and loved ones outside of the dojo. They are the example of excellence in their friend groups.
Teenage Program
We love working with our teens. We are well aware of our enemy... Social Media, Drugs, Obesity, Self-Image, etc... Inside these classes we demand a standard of respect and honor. We mold these soon to be adults into becoming active and prosperous members of the community. Development of confidence, self-control, awareness, and strong mental stability is evident inside of every class.